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Freemasons' Lodge Keys community outreach program "CPR" training held

The participants comprised Freemason Members, their families, friends, Doctors, Masons, Facility Managers, Auto Drivers

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Freemasons Lodge Keys community outreach program CPR training held

3 March 2024 2:05 PM GMT

Hyderabad: Lodge Keys No. 297, a primary unit of Freemasonry organized a community outreach program "CPR" training (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Training) on Sunday at Goshamahal Baradari Masonic Building, Goshamahal in the city. It was organized in support of EMRI Green Health Services (formerly known as GVK EMRI). GVK EMRI team consisted of two doctors, Dr Javed and Dr Satish, GVK EMRI, National EMLC Instructor and coordinator AU Maheeshwor, Assistant Manager, Emergency Medicine Learning Centre (EMLC) & Research.

The team equipped with 8 CPR Half Body Manikins, SED Complete Set, Infant Manikin, Splints, Gauge Rolls, Sling & Swathe trained 40 participants for four hours. Initially, they conducted a theoretical part and subsequently made every participant practically do CPR.

Only 2 per cent of the population in India are trained in CPR. Imagine if 20% of the population learns it how many lives can be saved. 9 in 10 people in cardiac arrest die. But CPR can help improve if performed in the first few minutes of cardiac arrest, said Dr Javed and Dr Satish.

The participants comprised Freemason Members, their families, friends, Doctors, Masons, Facility Managers, Auto Drivers, Watchmen, corporate executives, homemakers, students and others.

Cardiac arrest can occur anyone, anytime and anywhere. It is all about emergencies. In an emergency, people are more confused. Lodge Keys No. 297, a primary wing of Freemasons, wanted to promote a culture of preparedness and responsiveness in the community, said D. Ramchandram, Coordinator of the program.

CPR is an emergency life-saving procedure that is done when someone's breathing or heartbeat is stopped. We would like to train 1000 people from the community who are first respondents such as auto drivers, watchmen in Apartments, Facilities Managers, Street Vendors, Hoteliers, Police, students and the public at large in the next year informed Radhyeshyam Tiwari, President of Lodge Keys.

The value of a person is known only when the person is no more. The value of CPR is known only when doctors say, sorry, you are late, a CPR would have saved his life, said P. Veerabhadrudu, Assistant Regional Grand Master.

We came here as forty ordinary people but the trainers made us doctors. They explained things so simply that we are confident of saving lives, said Ramesh Manchala, Assistant Regional Grand Master.

We are living in a society where Food Delivery reaches much faster than an ambulance, so CPR is very valuable. The value of CPR is we can buy time. This kind of training program must be undertaken in schools, said Rekha Santoshi, who works in a reputed school in the city.

Srinivas, an auto driver, said, I came across many passengers who were in pain. Had I learnt this before I would have saved lives. I am happy, I got an opportunity to learn CPR.

CPR is very simple and easy to do. I had a fear before coming to this program. Now I am confident. Had I known this I would have saved my fellow watchman who died of cardiac arrest some time ago. I feel like a doctor now, said Venkatesh Nayak, a watchman at an Apartment in Himayat Nagar.

Janvi Mehta student said anybody can learn CPR. The trainers made this program so simple and easy to follow and very interesting to listen to and learn.

Freemason Members CPR 
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